Thursday, October 29, 2009

Last Long Thursday Long Run

This is folks! Next Thursday is 90min and the following 60. Today is the last really long run before Ironman.

The weather here is much cooler than the report has you believe:
Temp: 55
Wind: From SSE at 9 mph
Humidity: 77%

I dressed for that with a long sleeve base shirt, t-shirt, and shorts. Jogged to the Chicago lakefront and headed North. I knew there would be a head wind coming back but figured I could always use some mental toughening. Going out it was hard to stay anywhere close to my EZ pace and I often found myself a minute faster. A quick turnaround at 75min and smack in the face with the 10mph wind. OK, I knew this was coming. Continued on now only 10sec faster than EZ pace. The further South I went the stronger the wind became (I guessed 15 – 20mph) and I ended up bailing on the intervals in favor of just keeping the EZ pace. Made it 16mi in 2:33min and am still shivering a little at my desk.

A quick weather check of a landmark along the lakefront:
Temp: 55
Wind: From SE at 15 mph
Humidity: 79%

Monday, October 26, 2009

Race Rehearsal IMAZ - Report

Despite all my plans for the weekend like swimming race distance on Friday and doing my race rehearsal on Saturday, I ended up sick. So instead of a 112 mile bike and a 6 mile run it ended up being a day filled with naps, video games, and Theraflu. Not nearly as fun as it sounds. For the most part I'm better and am now working with my coaches and team to structure the last couple weeks of training before the taper.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Race Rehearsal IMAZ

A part of what my team does are called Race Rehearsals. The idea is to mimic everything you will eat, wear, and do on race day to minimize the number of surprises that pop up. Also, how to handle the ones that do happen in a way that will minimize the negative impact on your race. This Saturday is my first of two race rehearsals and this is the plan that I submitted to my team where the coaches and Wicked Smart Members critique and recommend changes to the plan. After the rehearsal I'll write a report the same as a race report and go back to the drawing board with what did and did not work. We'll all talk it over and I'll do another one in two weeks with any changes.

Saturday 10/24

Weather: High 48 / Low 34 deg, Cloudy, blustery and chilly with scattered showers. Northwest winds 20-30 mph and gusty

This is Chicago so the forecast will likely change between now and Saturday but either way it will require lots of layers. One thing I've notice while riding with several layers is that it's difficult to stay in the areo position. I haven't had too much of a problem being aero without the layers and even have no problem staying aero in the bike trainer.

Breakfast Plan:
Wake up at 2am: Drink an Odwalla or Ensure
Get up at 6:00 am: Multi-grain Cheerio's + scoop of whey and a Cup o' joe


Ride 100 miles in Frankfort consisting of two loops. This area is about an hour drive but much easier than biking around my condo.

Bike Setup:
Three Bottles plus Aero Bottle
One bottle of concentrated Infinit with 750cal
Aero Bottle filled with water plus two water bottles in rear seat cage (will remove cage for the actual race)
Will refill water bottles and Infinit bottle for second loop
No race wheels for this ride as I'm going with a rental 808 and a rear disk.
Areo helmet

Bike Plan:
Start Time: 8:00 AM
End Time: 2:00 PM
Total Time: 6:00 hours

Power & Gearing:
The bike portion of the race is based on wattage. The wattage numbers below are based on the number of Watts I'm able to sustain for a 60 minute time trial. That's 60 minutes all out. Over the summer I had a higher number but for various reasons I've lost a bit of that speed. It sux but there's nothing I can do about it now.

Current FTP: 220 watts
Goal IF: 69%
Goal TSS: 286

Race Gears:
1st - 144w - This is my target for the first hour
2nd- 152w - These are the target Watts for the race
3rd - 159w - Wattage for any hills that take longer than 3 minutes to climb
4th - 167w - Wattage for any hills that take less than 3 minutes to climb

250 cal/hr
~600mg Na/hr
6 hr = 1500 cal
2 Bottles at 750 cal/bottle
1 - 4/hr depending on race day heat


Old Plank Trail 3mile out/back

Run Setup:
Fuel Belt with bottle of 1hr Infinit (not a concentrate for this workout because there are no water fountains on this path)
Endurolytes (1 - 4/hr depending on heat)

Run Plan
Current VDot: training at 44 but tested at 41
Long runs have been pretty solid but I'm pretty much toast by the end. I tested up to 44 at a 5K in July and have been using those zones to train with. However, I don't test well without a race so the last test resulted in a 41. There is a 5K test Thursday that I'll probably use to solidify my pacing with.

Run 6 miles @ 9:26 (Zone 1) + 30 = 9:56 rounded to 10:00 for ease
Run 6 miles @ 10:10 (Zone 1) + 30 = 10:40