Monday, March 16, 2009

Last Weeks Workouts - Now With POWER!

As a birthday gift to myself I purchased a Power Tap power meter.  These devices have been around for a while and can really transform the way workouts are structured and their effectiveness.  Heart rate training is pretty subjective and is easily influenced by outside factors such as stress, caffeine, rest, or alcohol.  Power meters measure the wattage you generate while pedaling and a watt is a watt no matter what.  The power meter doesn't care if you had a double espresso or if you got a full nights sleep.  It only cares how hard you are working during your intervals.

For those who aren't familiar with reading workout plans, the zones I'm supposed to work at are listed on the right hand side of the blog.  The 2 x 15min designation means that I'm supposed to do 2 intervals 15 minutes long at a certain intensity.  There is usually a 3 - 5 minute recovery between intervals.

DateSportTraining Plan
3/10BikeWarm UP15min @ Z115min @ less that 151W

Main Set2 x 15min @ Z4 - Z5
4min recover between sets
2 x 15min @ 220 - 242W
4min recover between sets

Warm Down10min @ Z110 min @ less that 151W

RunMain Set40min @ Z1Missed the workout
3/11RunWarm Up15min @ Z115min @ Z1

Main Set4 x 1 mile @ Z4
4min recover @ Z1
3 x 1 mile @ 8:22
4min recover @ 10:22

Warm Down5min @ Z15min @ 10:22

SwimWarm Up8 laps of drills.  Drill 25 yards
and swim back 25 yards
8 laps of drills.  Drill 25 yards
and swim back 25 yards

Main SetDon't rememberDon't remember
3/12BikeWarm Up15min @ Z1
15min @ less than 151W

Main Set2 x 10min @ Z4 - Z5
4min recovery
2 x 15min @ 220 - 242W
4min recover between sets

Warm Down10min @ Z1
10 min @ less than 151W
brickWarm Up
15min @ Z1
15min @ less than 151W

Main Set1 x 10min @ Z4 - Z5
5min @ Z1
2 x 12min @ Z3
3min recovery
1 x 10min @ 220 - 242W
5min @ less than 151W
2 x 12min @ 176 - 187W
3min recover between sets

Warm Down5min @ Z15min @ less than 151W

RunMain Set15min @ Z2
15min @ Z3
15min @ about 8:45
15min @ about 8:30

Warm Down5min @ z15min walking
3/15RunWarm Up15min @ Z1

Main Set
3 x 200 @ z5
3 x 400 @ z5
3 x 200 @ z5
full recoveries between
3 x 1.5 mile @ 8:22
4min recover @ 10:22

Warm Down5min @ z1
5min walking

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