Until then, I've found the pictures of the Nun from St. Anthony's Triathlon last April! The last couple of years I've seen her out on the race course and have always gone out of my way to throw a hi-five at her. This last year a friend of mine, also named Jeff, saw her after the race hanging out and went up to talk to her. She was very friendly and even agreed to take a couple pictures with him. When he told her about this blog all she did was laugh. Fantastic lady and a class act all the way.
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Race Report Soon!
Until then, I've found the pictures of the Nun from St. Anthony's Triathlon last April! The last couple of years I've seen her out on the race course and have always gone out of my way to throw a hi-five at her. This last year a friend of mine, also named Jeff, saw her after the race hanging out and went up to talk to her. She was very friendly and even agreed to take a couple pictures with him. When he told her about this blog all she did was laugh. Fantastic lady and a class act all the way.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
The Nun Has Been Beaten
On a tough, but fun, Sunday in Arizona I finished my first Ironman with a time of 13:13:27. Successfully beating the Nun. More details in the race report which should come tomorrow.
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Ironman Arizona 2009 Race Plan
This Sunday is the day. The day I've been training for since December '08. In some ways I can't wait for the start of the race, can't wait for the return to non-triathlon activities, but in others I can't believe it's already here. I've been in Tempe for a day and a half and am trying to soak it all up. As a friend said "Ironman is Disney World for adults"
Wake up at 2 AM and chug an Odwalla High Protein Smoothy and get back to sleep for another 2hrs. Up at 4 to shower/shave and eat a bowl of Cheerios w/whey and coffee.
Get in the water and get used to to the temp and try to loosen up my arms some. I'm not an overly strong swimmer so I'm going to place myself mid-back and count the strokes. It's a straight 2.4mi swim so just focus on form and let the distance take care of itself.
Gear | Ironman Wattage Guidance | Max | |
1st | 0-.5hrs, slight downhills | GW - 5% | 144 |
2nd | Goal Watts (GW) | GW | 152 |
3rd | Long hills (>~3') | GW + 5% | 159 |
4th | Short hills (<~1-2') | GW + 10% | 167 |
On the run drink Infinit Run Mix and water at each aid station and walk for just long enough to take in the nutrition. Follow the EN run pacing based on VDot and try to hold that pace at mile 18. The plan is to walk for 30 steps/seconds after each aide station to reset the heart rate and give my body a bit of a break. If I'm feeling great then maybe after mile 20 see if I can't add a little something to the pace. After mile 18, start counting the people passed (roadkill) but jog the chute. You only have one first IM. :)
Miles | Half Ironman VDot Guidance | Pace |
0-6 | Recovery Pace + 30sec | 10:00 |
6-18 | Recovery Pace | 9:26 |
18-26 | Recovery Pace (maybe) | 9:26 |
26-26.2 | Whatever I have left! | xx:xx |
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
IMAZ 09 Race Rehearsal Report
Ten days ago I did my last race rehearsal and while I should have posted this sooner, some times life gets in the way. For those who don't know, my coaches and on-line team (Endurance Nation) have us do race rehearsals in preperation for our "A" race. The idea is to mimic everything you will eat, wear, and do on race day to minimize the number of surprises that pop up and get used to any new equipment.
Got up at 2 AM and chugged a bottle of Odwalla High Protein Smoothy and went back to bed. Got up at 5 and ate a bowl of Cheerio's + scoop of whey and a Cup o' Joe. Was still a little hungry but at this point there's rarely a time when I'm not hungry.
The plan was to ride up and down on the Chicago lakefront bike path with the hopes that it wouldn't be too crowded due to the time of year. However, the weather was unseasonably nice (mid 60's, sunny, but windy) and more people were out than I would have preferred. I was trying out my new wheel cover and aside from a couple gusts of wind early on I was able to hold the bike steady without any issue. The wheel really helped as I was able to hold 18.5mph with out much effort but the number of other people on the path throughout the day made it hard to stay at this pace for too long. I ended up averaging much lower watts with a much less steady effort than what I wanted. For those who are interested, here is the breakdown:
Entire workout (117 watts):
Duration: 5:57:24 (6:17:37)
Work: 2517 kJ
TSS: 197.3 (intensity factor 0.576)
Norm Power: 128
VI: 1.09
Pw:HR: n/a
Pa:HR: n/a
Distance: 95.044 mi
Min Max Avg
Power: 0 358 117 watts
Cadence: 30 212 83 rpm
Speed: 2.2 24.8 16.2 mph
Pace 2:25 26:49 3:43 min/mi
Crank Torque: 0 700 119 lb-in
I was drinking a concentrated 3 hour mix of Infinit and stopped half way through the ride to grab a 2nd bottle and refill my water bottles. This worked out great and is something I'm going to plan on doing race day.
After the ride, I dropped off my bike at home and strapped on my running shoes. I was out of my run mix of Infinit so I grabbed a gel I had laying around, ate that, and was out the door.
The pacing guidance from my coaches is that the first 6 miles of the run should be at your recovery pace + 30 seconds. In my case, I should run the first 6 miles at a 10min/mile pace. Others on the team have reported that pace as feeling way too slow and I finally understood exactly what they were talking about. On top of forcing myself to stay slow I had to stop and walk just to keep the pacing. I did two 3 mile loops by my house that include a couple of "Chicago hills" which are really overpasses. From what I hear, the Tempe run course is made up of a similar terrain. Not having my nutrition with me I was getting pretty hungry but my legs felt great and I could have run all night at that pace.
Now to put the finishing touches on the Race Plan and execute as close to the plan as possible. Just a couple more days and I'll be an Ironman.
Friday, November 6, 2009
Race Rehearsal IMAZ Raundas 2
Saturday 11/7
Weather: High 63-70 / Low 52 deg, Sunny, hazy, windy. Wind from the West/SouthWest around 21mph with gusts up to 30.
Breakfast Plan:
Wake up at 2am: Drink an Odwalla or Ensure
Get up at 6:00 am: 1cup Multi-grain Cheerio's + scoop of whey and a Cup o' Joe
Ride 6hrs or 112 miles mostly on the Chicago lakefront bike path. The ride to/from the bike path will make for a great warm-up and cool down but I am concerned that the path will be busy Saturday. This is the first nice Saturday we've had in a month and probably the last one of the year. I'm viewing this as a positive though. Hopefully it will get me a little more accustomed to riding on a busy race course.
Bike Setup:
Three Bottles plus Aero Bottle
One bottle of concentrated Infinit with 750cal
Aero Bottle filled with water plus two water bottles in rear seat cage (will remove cage for the actual race)
Will bike home to grab replacement water bottles and Infinit bottle for second loop
No race wheel on the front but I'm riding with my rear disk
Areo helmet
Bike Plan:
Start Time: 6:30 AM
End Time: 12:30 PM
Total Time: 6:00 hours
Power & Gearing:
The bike portion of the race is based on wattage. The wattage numbers below are based on the number of Watts I'm able to sustain for a 60 minute time trial. That's 60 minutes all out, pushing yourself until you are dry-heaving. Over the summer I had a higher number but for various reasons I've lost a bit of that speed. It sux but there's nothing I can do about it now.
Current FTP: 222 watts
Goal IF: 69%
Goal TSS: 286
Race Gears:
1st - 144w - This is my target for the first hour
2nd- 152w - These are the target Watts for the race
3rd - 159w - Wattage for any hills that take longer than 3 minutes to climb
4th - 167w - Wattage for any hills that take less than 3 minutes to climb
250 cal/hr
~600mg Na/hr
6 hr = 1500 cal
2 Bottles at 750 cal/bottle
Endurolytes 1 - 4/hr depending on race day heat
Two loops of a 3 mile run through my neighborhood which includes a couple Chicago "Hills". From what I hear about the IMAZ course, these should mimic what I'll encounter pretty accurately.
Run Setup:
Fuel Belt with bottle of 1hr Infinit (not a concentrate for this workout because there are no water fountains on this path)
Endurolytes (1 - 4/hr depending on heat)
Run Plan
Current VDot: 44
Run 6 miles @ 9:26 (Zone 1) + 30 = 9:56 rounded to 10:00 for ease
VDOT is a measurement of an athletes ability to run fast. It's used as a predictor of run performance at various distances and takes into account more than a VO2 test would.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Last Long Thursday Long Run
The weather here is much cooler than the report has you believe:
Temp: 55
Wind: From SSE at 9 mph
Humidity: 77%
I dressed for that with a long sleeve base shirt, t-shirt, and shorts. Jogged to the Chicago lakefront and headed North. I knew there would be a head wind coming back but figured I could always use some mental toughening. Going out it was hard to stay anywhere close to my EZ pace and I often found myself a minute faster. A quick turnaround at 75min and smack in the face with the 10mph wind. OK, I knew this was coming. Continued on now only 10sec faster than EZ pace. The further South I went the stronger the wind became (I guessed 15 – 20mph) and I ended up bailing on the intervals in favor of just keeping the EZ pace. Made it 16mi in 2:33min and am still shivering a little at my desk.
A quick weather check of a landmark along the lakefront:
Temp: 55
Wind: From SE at 15 mph
Humidity: 79%
Monday, October 26, 2009
Race Rehearsal IMAZ - Report
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Race Rehearsal IMAZ
Saturday 10/24
Weather: High 48 / Low 34 deg, Cloudy, blustery and chilly with scattered showers. Northwest winds 20-30 mph and gusty
This is Chicago so the forecast will likely change between now and Saturday but either way it will require lots of layers. One thing I've notice while riding with several layers is that it's difficult to stay in the areo position. I haven't had too much of a problem being aero without the layers and even have no problem staying aero in the bike trainer.
Breakfast Plan:
Wake up at 2am: Drink an Odwalla or Ensure
Get up at 6:00 am: Multi-grain Cheerio's + scoop of whey and a Cup o' joe
Ride 100 miles in Frankfort consisting of two loops. This area is about an hour drive but much easier than biking around my condo.
Bike Setup:
Three Bottles plus Aero Bottle
One bottle of concentrated Infinit with 750cal
Aero Bottle filled with water plus two water bottles in rear seat cage (will remove cage for the actual race)
Will refill water bottles and Infinit bottle for second loop
No race wheels for this ride as I'm going with a rental 808 and a rear disk.
Areo helmet
Bike Plan:
Start Time: 8:00 AM
End Time: 2:00 PM
Total Time: 6:00 hours
Power & Gearing:
The bike portion of the race is based on wattage. The wattage numbers below are based on the number of Watts I'm able to sustain for a 60 minute time trial. That's 60 minutes all out. Over the summer I had a higher number but for various reasons I've lost a bit of that speed. It sux but there's nothing I can do about it now.
Current FTP: 220 watts
Goal IF: 69%
Goal TSS: 286
Race Gears:
1st - 144w - This is my target for the first hour
2nd- 152w - These are the target Watts for the race
3rd - 159w - Wattage for any hills that take longer than 3 minutes to climb
4th - 167w - Wattage for any hills that take less than 3 minutes to climb
250 cal/hr
~600mg Na/hr
6 hr = 1500 cal
2 Bottles at 750 cal/bottle
1 - 4/hr depending on race day heat
Old Plank Trail 3mile out/back
Run Setup:
Fuel Belt with bottle of 1hr Infinit (not a concentrate for this workout because there are no water fountains on this path)
Endurolytes (1 - 4/hr depending on heat)
Run Plan
Current VDot: training at 44 but tested at 41
Long runs have been pretty solid but I'm pretty much toast by the end. I tested up to 44 at a 5K in July and have been using those zones to train with. However, I don't test well without a race so the last test resulted in a 41. There is a 5K test Thursday that I'll probably use to solidify my pacing with.
Run 6 miles @ 9:26 (Zone 1) + 30 = 9:56 rounded to 10:00 for ease
Run 6 miles @ 10:10 (Zone 1) + 30 = 10:40
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Execution Errors and Mishaps At Steelhead 70.3
This is a quick write up on what happened for me at the Steelhead 70.3 and actions I can take in the future to prevent as large of an impact on my race.
Mental I must admit that my focus has mostly been on Arizona and I didn't give the other races the attention that I would normally. It's not that I wasn't physically prepared for them but there was a clear lack of mental preparation leading up to the start. Typically the week before each race is spent going over a mental check list of what I'm going to do and what I have with me at each portion of the race. However, that didn't happen for any of these races. They were all treated like training days and I went into them with that attitude.
Mental Adjustment This is my A race and why I've given up weekends partying and cookies. OK, not really cookies. The adjustments will be made starting with the race rehearsals, the first is towards the end of September, and from there my focus will continue to sharpen.
Power Failure Before the race I calculated my wattage ranges (4 Gears for the Endurance Nation folks) to use as pacing on the bike. Coming out of the first transition I jumped on the bike only to find that my PowerTap hub was not detecting. Which meant no wattage readings. Which meant no pacing on the bike. I didn't even have my Heart Rate (HR) strap let alone HR zones calculated. The end result was riding old school: completely by feel.
Power Adjustment The wheel and computer are on their way back to Saris right now for repair. Other than having the HR zones calculated and in the bento box, does anyone have any suggestions? Has anyone had the PT fail on them in a race? What was plan B?
Lost Nutrition on the Bike Somewhere around mile 20 of the bike I launched a nutrition bottle out of the back bottle holder. After finishing the other nutrition bottle I switched to Gatorade and almost puked on my handlebars. Not fun.
Bike Nutrition Adjustment I've installed a bottle cage on the down tube and now keep all of my nutrition there. The bottle holders behind the seat are still mounted but I will remove them for race rehearsals and the race. At this time they are still mounted and I'll continue to use them to hold spare water but that's about it. Also, I don't think I'll ever drink Gatorade again. That stuff is foul!
Run Pacing A week before the race I did a 5K run test and earned the right to train at faster paces. Almost a minute faster at some paces! I didn't want to go out and use the new paces without getting any time to train at them so I turned to the wicked fast and wicket smart members of my team for help. They helped me with a pacing strategy that should have worked well. Knowing myself and knowing that I wouldn't be able to remember all the paces and at what mile I was to speed up to them. So I thought I'd program the Garmin GPS with the intervals and paces. What was I thinking?? Not only did I keep to strict of a window on the pace (10 seconds faster/slower) but after the bike where I had no pacing guidance and 20+mph winds it was just too much. At first I was OK but after a fairly steep hill I was well out of range for the pace I was supposed to hold. That caused the Garmin to beep at my every 15 - 20 seconds. After resisting the temptation to throw it in a bush I cycled through the program and just ran as I could.
Run Adjustment I'm working with the team to get guidance on how they determine the pace they should be running and at what mile.
Followed Nutrition Plan Into A Wall After losing a nutrition bottle on the bike and almost puking Gatorade on my handle bars I wasn't taking in nearly enough nutrition to keep me moving as fast as I should have been. I tried to drink a little Gatorade and water at each aide station on the run but always came close to losing it. For some reason I had it in my mind that I had to drink what they were giving. It wasn't until mile 11 of 13 that I realized they were also serving gels and switched. Man, what a difference.
Run Nutrition Adjustment I use Infinit Nutrition on the bike and have ordered a blend to use on the run. I plan on picking up a fuel belt and running with my own mix of sports drink, one that I've tested in training and know works for me. The idea is to concentrate it and mix it with water at the aide stations.
This has taken longer to write up than I had anticipated but work and life gets in the way. Still, I've been going over everything that happened pretty often and have several things sorted. There are still some pieces that I need to figure out and will update this entry as they become more clear.
Monday, August 3, 2009
Steelhead 09 Race Report
Last Saturday was my 3rd Half Ironman and my first time racing the Steelhead 70.3. While it wasn't an A race for me I viewed it as a chance to practice what I've been learning from my coaches and on-line team (Endurance Nation). This race was also the A race for my friends EX and again, she asked me to beat him. This time I had a couple days of rest going into it so I was pretty confident.
Gear | Half Ironman Wattage Guidance | Max | |
1st | 0-.5hrs, slight downhills | GW - 5% | 174 |
2nd | Goal Watts (GW) | GW | 183 |
3rd | Long hills (>~3') | GW + 5% | 192 |
4th | Short hills (<~1-2') | GW + 10% | 202 |
Miles | Half Ironman VDot Guidance | Pace |
0-3 | VDot 42 Marathon Pace + 30sec | 8:55 |
3-6 | VDot 42 Marathon Pace | 8:25 |
6-9 | VDot 44 Marathon Pace | 8:06 |
9-12 | VDot 44 Half Marathon Pace | 7:48 |
12-13.1 | Whatever is left | ou:ch! |
Friday, July 24, 2009
09 Harbor Lights Race Report
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Last Weeks Workouts and My First Outdoor Bike of the Season
Date | Sport | Training Plan | Actual | |
3/16 | Swim | Warm UP | 100yards 3 x 8 drills | |
Main Set | 4 x 100 Z1 + 100 Z4 | |||
Warm Down | 100yards | |||
3/17 | Bike | Warm Up | 15min @ Z1 | 15min @ less than 151W |
Main Set | 2 x 15min @ Z4 - Z5 4min recover between sets | 2 x 15min @ 220 - 242W 4min recover between sets | ||
Warm Down | 10min @ Z1 | 10min @ less than 151W | ||
3/18 | Run | Warm Up | 15min @ Z1 | 15min @ Z1 |
Main Set | 4 x 1 mile @ Z4 4min recover @ Z1 | 3 x 1 mile @ 8:22 4min recover @ 10:22 | ||
Warm Down | 5min @ Z1 | 5min @ 10:22 | ||
Swim | Warm Up | 8 laps of drills. Drill 25 yards and swim back 25 yards | 8 laps of drills. Drill 25 yards and swim back 25 yards | |
Main Set | 3 x 200 2 x 300 2 x 400 | 3 x 200 2 x 300 2 x 400 | ||
3/19 | Bike | Warm Up | 15min @ Z1 | 15min @ less than 151W |
Main Set | 2 x 10min @ Z4 - Z5 4min recovery | 2 x 15min @ 220 - 242W 4min recover between sets | ||
Warm Down | 10min @ Z1 | 10 min @ less than 151W | ||
3/20 | brick | Warm Up | 15min @ Z1 | 15min @ less than 151W |
Bike | Main Set | 1 x 10min @ Z4 - Z5 5min @ Z1 2 x 12min @ Z3 3min recovery | 1 x 10min @ 220 - 242W 5min @ less than 151W 2 x 12min @ 176 - 187W 3min recover between sets | |
Warm Down | 5min @ Z1 | 5min @ less than 151W | ||
Run | Main Set | 15min @ Z2 15min @ Z3 | 15min @ about 8:45 15min @ about 8:30 | |
Warm Down | 5min @ z1 | 5min walking | ||
3/21 | Run | Warm Up | 15min @ Z1 | |
Main Set | 3 x 200 @ z5 3 x 400 @ z5 3 x 200 @ z5 full recoveries between | Missed this workout | ||
Warm Down | 5min @ z1 |
Monday, March 16, 2009
Last Weeks Workouts - Now With POWER!
Date | Sport | Training Plan | Actual | |
3/10 | Bike | Warm UP | 15min @ Z1 | 15min @ less that 151W |
Main Set | 2 x 15min @ Z4 - Z5 4min recover between sets | 2 x 15min @ 220 - 242W 4min recover between sets | ||
Warm Down | 10min @ Z1 | 10 min @ less that 151W | ||
Run | Main Set | 40min @ Z1 | Missed the workout | |
3/11 | Run | Warm Up | 15min @ Z1 | 15min @ Z1 |
Main Set | 4 x 1 mile @ Z4 4min recover @ Z1 | 3 x 1 mile @ 8:22 4min recover @ 10:22 | ||
Warm Down | 5min @ Z1 | 5min @ 10:22 | ||
Swim | Warm Up | 8 laps of drills. Drill 25 yards and swim back 25 yards | 8 laps of drills. Drill 25 yards and swim back 25 yards | |
Main Set | Don't remember | Don't remember | ||
3/12 | Bike | Warm Up | 15min @ Z1 | 15min @ less than 151W |
Main Set | 2 x 10min @ Z4 - Z5 4min recovery | 2 x 15min @ 220 - 242W 4min recover between sets | ||
Warm Down | 10min @ Z1 | 10 min @ less than 151W | ||
3/14 | brick | Warm Up | 15min @ Z1 | 15min @ less than 151W |
Bike | Main Set | 1 x 10min @ Z4 - Z5 5min @ Z1 2 x 12min @ Z3 3min recovery | 1 x 10min @ 220 - 242W 5min @ less than 151W 2 x 12min @ 176 - 187W 3min recover between sets | |
Warm Down | 5min @ Z1 | 5min @ less than 151W | ||
Run | Main Set | 15min @ Z2 15min @ Z3 | 15min @ about 8:45 15min @ about 8:30 | |
Warm Down | 5min @ z1 | 5min walking | ||
3/15 | Run | Warm Up | 15min @ Z1 | |
Main Set | 3 x 200 @ z5 3 x 400 @ z5 3 x 200 @ z5 full recoveries between | 3 x 1.5 mile @ 8:22 4min recover @ 10:22 | ||
Warm Down | 5min @ z1 | 5min walking |
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Tuesday Workout
Warm Up | 15min @ Z1 w/ 2 x 1min one leg drills |
Work Set | 2 x 12' (4') @ Z4-5 w/ 4min recovery |
Cool Down | 15min @ Z1 |
Today's modified "on the road" workout:
Spin Class
15min Run @ Z1
I'm not a fan of spin classes as a way to train for the bike leg of a triathlon. All but one instructor that I've come across wouldn't know what to do or how to train for any sort of bike race. In short, they're good aerobics classes that happen to use a spin bike. The times that I'm stuck in a spin class I usually try to feel out the instructor before class to get an idea of what I'm in for. When I asked this guy what sort of class he teaches he was taken off guard and answered "Well the music is really good". Right then I knew I was in trouble.
Was this guy serious? The first impulse that he has about the class that he teaches was good music??!? It was a 45 minute reminder of all the things that I don't like about spinning. Complete with jumps, running on the bike, and push ups. I will give this guy credit though, he did keep reminding the class to relax their shoulders, use their core to stabilize, and keep their hands light on the handle bar.
Ultimately I was able to construct a pretty good workout by cranking up the resistance every time they stood up and recovering when they sat down.
I'm not looking forward to Thursdays spin.
Weekend Workouts
Spin class with Team In Training
20 min run (10 min @ Z3 / 10 min @ Z4)
I felt really good coming off the bike but was really frustrated in the spin class. The computrainer classes have spoiled me and I now find it challenging to get comfortable on a spin bike and get a good workout in class. The computrainer classes are on my bike and are based on wattage not perceived effort. There's no faking wattage.
Sunday's workout was another run test. The original plan was to run in the Wacky 5K in River West (Chicago neighborhood just South of me) but between the wind, snow, and 20 degree temperature I decided to tough out another test on a treadmill. I admit to being a chicken with cold weather. The workout was tough but I have a problem with pacing on the treadmill and am not sure about the results of the test. According to my coaches: Don't sweat it...keep the same vDOT as before and keep training...test again when outside!
Date | Weight | Distance | Time | Pace | ||
03/01/09 | 180 | 3.1 miles | 25:13 | 8:08 | 154 | 38 |
02/01/09 | 180 | 3.2 miles | 25:19 | 7:55 | 159 | 39 |
Warmer weather can't come soon enough!
Friday, February 27, 2009
Thrusday Night Bike Workout
Last night, Thursday 2/26, I jumped on the bike trainer and pounded out a quick (45min) workout. I don't have my power meter yet so used the heart rate zones instead of wattage. With the way my legs have been feeling, that wasn't a bad thing. Heart rate can be subjective but wattage (work) is wattage (work). There's no faking wattage. During the day I did pretty well eating. Not necessarily all that healthy but enough calories. Here is the workout:
Warm Up | 15min @ Z1 w/ 2 X 1min one legged drills |
Work Set | 2 x 10min @ Z4 w/ 4min recovery |
Cool Down | 15min @ Z1 |
After I got down for 20 minutes of core work and took a quick shower before friends came over for some euchre. Yes, we won the night and are up 2 to 1 with euchre.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Wednesday Night Swim
I'm still looking for a good workout tracking utility and haven't had much success to I'm just going to post the workouts and how they went. Last night, Wednesday 2/25, I swam with TNT and was pretty beat from a rough couple days at work. All I ate before swimming was a granola bar which is a lot less than normal. Here is the workout:
Warm Up | 8 x 50 Drills |
Work Set | 8 x 100 (50 @ Z4 / 50 @ Z2 |
1 x 400 (300 @ Z2 / 100 @ Z3) | |
Cool Down | 200 |
I was noticeably slower than the previous week but also haven't swam since last Wednesday. Maybe there's something to that whole frequency thing.